Saturday, November 13, 2021

Englishtown Auction

     Saturday, November 14, 2021: I decided to make one more daytrip for 2021, and on the above date, I traveled to Monmouth County, New Jersey. My destination became the Englishtown Auction, 90 Wilson Avenue, Englishtown (732-446-9644). Some people told me that this place has been the largest farmers’ market in NJ, and I arrived with high expectations. Nevertheless, when I was there, I noticed a lot of outdoor vendors near both sides of the five buildings that were supposed to contain indoor vendors. Once I entered the different buildings, however, I saw a few merchants in each building, but otherwise, these building seemed quiet and many of the stores were closed. Maybe it had to do with the time of year or covid 19, but unlike other farmers’ markets where the buildings inside could be as active as the outside, this wasn’t the case here. Despite that, I walked quite a bit as I browsed through the areas with the outside vendors! These vendors sold many kinds of merchandise at bargain prices: clothing, jewelry, and accessories, as well as cosmetics, toys, foods, hardware, furniture, electronics, etc. Thus, roaming through here took a few hours or more of my time. So this trip was totally worth it.    

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