Friday, November 29, 2024

Philcon 2024

     Friday, November 22, 2024: It was Philcon or the Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference time again at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and the first place I headed to after registering was 1) the Convention Suite or Con Suite. As in other years, in a living-room setting, I ate some snack foods, drank some soft drinks, and conversed with other science fiction (SF) fans. Meanwhile, similar to other Philcons, this SF con offered many different tracks of programming: animation, art, and costuming, as well as fandom gossip, filk music (mostly folk tunes with SF or fantasy lyrics), gaming, horror, literary SF, media SF, and science. The con also included writing workshops, exhibits, and other fixed functions for three days. Back down on the main floor, I attended my first panel: 2) Let’s Design a New SF Television Show where James Cambias, Bjon Hasseler, Jim (Straton) Reichert, Bob Hrannek, and Christopher Stout gave their opinions and listened to the opinions from the audience on what kind of SF TV show they would like to see. Some of the topics they talked about had to do with characters, settings, and plots, as well as reminding people that there have been differences when producing a TV show with actors vs. an animated series. They also covered the who, what, where, why, when, and how of the stories (the five W’s and H in journalism); and what the viewers would learn at the end of the story. Someone also mentioned how accurate the science should be and how much made up science should be in the story depending on whether it would be a hard SF story, soft SF story, or science fantasy. At the next panel, 3) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Con… Roberta Rogow, Michael A. Ventella, and Ian Randal Strock told of mishaps, awkward moments, and other unusual stuff that happened at past SF cons. Some of the subjects covered involved fire alarms going off at the hotel (I am well aware of this myself.), trying to talk with SF fans born after 1977 (another thing I'm familiar with), Harlen Ellison stories, as well as stories of hookers looking for “big spenders” at conventions, fanzine stories, costume stories (wardrobe malfunctions), and so on. Some of the stories became very risque. 

     Saturday, November 23, 2024: Just like the year before, I started Philcon’s busiest day by visiting the 4) Art Show. Here I noticed that about 90% of the art presented fantasy art, and the rest showed SF and space art. Around three-fourths of the art on exhibit were paintings and drawings, and the remaining art on display included other mediums: jewelry, sculptures, tote bags, pillows, pottery, etc. Then, I listened in on the following panel: 5) How Real Does the Science in SF Have To Be?--where Barna William Donovan, Melanie Moyer, James L. Cambais, Lawrence Krammer, and Inga Heyer asked what would have made the made-up science in SF believable? If it was a comedy, did the made-up science have to be believable? They agreed that even if the main emphasis were on the characters, the made-up science should be believable, and the rules of this made-up science should be consistent. How much made-up science would be in the story depended on whether the story was hard-SF, soft SF, or science fantasy. (In hard SF, such as stories found in Analog Magazine, most editors only allowed one or two made-up science rules: the rest of the science had to be real. Soft-SF stories, such as Star Trek, allowed for more made-up science, but most of the rest of the science had to be real. For science fantasy, such as Star Wars, much of the science was of the made-up kind.) Next, I sat in on the 6) Bias Automation panel. Thus, Bob Hranek, Jazz Hiestand, Odele Pax, and Gill Cnaan talked about using artificial intelligence or AI in learning. They also mentioned that currently AI could not think for itself. Another topic discussed was ChatGDP and that in legal matters, it was only accurate 40% of the time. Overall, many of the abilities in AI that people have been concerned about, as of the date above, have been impossible—until it does become possible!

     Saturday Night: After I changed for the evening, I went to the following panel: 7) Socialization vs. Privatization of Space. On this panel, Earl Bennett, Tobias F. Cabral, Inge Heyer, Joseph Haughey, and Mark Roth Whitworth conversed about the pros & cons of government backed space missions vs. private companies backing those space missions. One of the pros with government: People have had a better say about the missions, but the cons included the government working slower. Thus with a private company, people had less of a say, but the private company could be quicker. Some missions would be too big for a private company to handle, but many small missions could be run by them. Nevertheless, it depended on the fuel used. Nobody wanted private companies running anything with nuclear power. This panel also talked about using one ship to go into space and then, assembling another, bigger ship in space; and getting rid of space junk in lower Earth orbit (LEO). (LEO is below the Van Allen Belts.) Someone suggested a government-run large space station where private companies could set up their equipment, but overall, perhaps it would be best to have some government control over the private companies in space, especially for worker safety and rights. Later I saw the 8) Masquerade. This masquerade only had 11 entries, and all except for one entry, they wore fantasy themed costumes. The SF entry was a “One Eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater.” Finally, I watched what was supposed to be the half-time show in the Masquerade while the judges decided on the winners. However, because the Masquerade was so short, the judges were quick in deciding who the winners were. Therefore, the winners received their prizes, and the half time entertainment became the 9) After Masquerade Entertainment. I would have preferred a film or a filk singing group or singer, because in my opinion, the comedy was so-so. It was a set of questions given to a group of people as to why he or she was the best person to steal James Cameron’s Titanic. 

     Sunday, November 24: The last day of the con has mostly been low-key and this day was no exception. I started the day by going to the following: 10) What the US Navy Taught Me About Starfleet, presented by Christopher Weuve. By way of PowerPoint, Weuve compared how Starfleet differed from the Navy. After telling us the history of the Navy and how its vessels served in the different wars, he explained how battles on water were a lot different from battles in space, or what worked on water (or in water with a submarine) wouldn’t work in space. In addition, it had been mentioned in ST that Starfleet personnel have not been warriors first, unlike the current military. In his opinion, Starfleet has been closer to being similar to the Coast Guard than the Navy. Next, I went to spend some money in the 11) Dealers’ Room. Unlike other years, there were even more dealers selling reading materials: about two-thirds of the dealers sold books, magazines, comic books, and so forth. The remaining one-third sold other merchandise: jewelry, artworks, and t-shirts, as well as tote bags, holiday ornaments, mugs, web design services, games, etc. I ended up buying a book about the craft and business of writing. Before going home, I sat in on one more panel, 12) Set Phasers to Roast. Earl Bennett, Bob Hraner, Chris Weuve, and Jazz Hiestand mentioned examples of the worst weapons in SF and why. For example, in ST, a bolt of energy would come in pulses like the photon torpedoes, not a continuing line like the ship’s phasers. Somebody also said that Gene Roddenberry decided to call the weapons on ST phasers because lasers at that time were still in the early stages of development. Thus, in later years, when lasers developed more, he didn’t want someone looking back and saying that ST’s lasers couldn’t do this or that. By called them phasers, they remain fictional—at least for a long time. What I found most interesting was the panel explaining the differences among the type #1, type #2, and type #3 civilizations: type #1 used the Earth’s resources, type #2 used the resources of the solar system, and type #3 used the resources of the galaxy. Anyway that summed up Philcon 2024 for me. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Fandom 1978

 Back in 1970, a friend and I formed a local space/science fiction club. We were a casual group of people who met every month and talked about the above subjects. In addition, we usually had a yearly outing to the Franklin Institute science museum in Philadelphia, and we played host to a Halloween party on the weekend before Halloween. I also published a twice a year newsletter that covered club business. 

Starting in 1977, I increased the dues a bit because our membership now included a quarterly newsletter, a membership card, and a list of the names and addresses of the members. I thought this would help those who needed a ride to the meeting, or pass on news about space or science fiction and other related stuff. This was also the first year I ever attended a SF con—or a Star Trek con to be exact. It was at this con that I met a former classmate from high school. As I was looking at the literature on the freebie table, in among the ST and SF fliers and brochures, I saw catalogs for Avon and Mary Kay Cosmetics. Then I heard someone tell me that she liked all those sci-fi and Trekkie stuff. When I looked up, she didn’t quite recognize me (This con didn’t give out name tags; they stamped one’s hand.), but I told her who I was. She looked a bit startled because in high school, we were not the best of friends. In fact, we had fought, but I assured her that I held no hard feelings and gave her a flier from my club. Later, she joined my club, but from the start, she only joined the club to sell her cosmetics. There was nothing wrong about this because I had a few other club members who sold other things: Fuller Brush, Amway, Tupperware, and a certain brand of vitamins. Nevertheless, unlike those other club members, she would phone the members at different hours trying to sell her merchandise either at their house, or at her house, and she wanted to play host to a demonstration at one of our meetings. The members of my club phoned me and complained about her pushiness. Therefore, after I warned her a few times to cease doing this, she kept trying to sell her stuff. Then the officers of the club and I finally voted her out.

Anyway, the last I heard anything about her was in my bank statement when I noticed she cashed the refund cheque that I sent her for her dues. 

In addition, from now on, I never gave out all the members addresses and phone numbers on a list again. (If somebody has news to give or needs a ride, that member could phone one of the four officers in the club.) This was the first time we, the officers and I, voted someone out of our club, but it wouldn’t be the last!

Shortly after, I attended a mini-ST con in Pennsylvania in October 1977. It was here that I met Jacky F. and on her name tag it said Lieutenant before her name. I asked her what branch of the military she was in, and she told me it was a Starfleet rank for a club that she belonged to: USS Constitution. 

Well, I was very familiar with this ST correspondence club because Steve, a member of my local club, was also vice president of the Constitution. Therefore, I mentioned this to her, and we went to lunch. During lunch, we talked about different things (Of course, I gave her a flier from my local club, but she never joined. You can’t win them all.), and she mentioned a certain guy named Carl M. who couldn’t attend because of illness. Anyway, she said that he would try to attend the April 1978 mini-con at the same place. 

Fast forward to April 1978: I was at the April con where Jackie spotted me and introduced me to Carl. He seemed OK, and he invited me to lunch, but when he offered to pay for my lunch, I turned him down because I was in a relationship with someone by then. Nevertheless, he gave me the dues to join my local club.

When I told Steve about it, he had misgivings because back during the July 1977 Philly con, Carl joined the Constitution club. After that, according to Steve, Carl hung around him and the club president “like a leach.” 

Anyhow after the first few meetings, Carl acted OK. He could be a bit nutty, but I’ve seen some of the other club members act the same. Steve thought that maybe Carl changed, but my vice president, George, had his misgivings about Carl. (George was a detective. So maybe he saw something in Carl that the rest of us didn’t at that time.) For the next few months, Carl did show his true colors. In addition to acting goofy, he also bragged about himself, and made up stories about himself that didn’t sound quite true. Overall, he made many of the members uncomfortable, especially many of the female members. Now some of our members wore costumes at the meetings, especially ST Starfleet uniforms, but Carl also wore his uniform on our Franklin Institute outing, despite my mentioning to the club in advance not to wear costumes there. (If they felt like expressing themselves, then a space, SF, or ST t-shirt would be OK.) 

After the outing, the members expressed their discomfort about Carl, so I phoned Carl and told him. He took some offense at this and said something like “we will see.” 

The next meeting proved that Carl was acting the same, but a few weeks later, Carl attended the NYC ST con on Labor Day weekend. (I didn’t go to this con because money was tight for me that year.) After the con, Steve and a few of my members told me about an altercation between the Constitution president, Mike, and Carl. It happened when Carl tried to come on strong while making a pass at the Constitution secretary, Blane. 

There was a charity get together at this ST con and some groups had a table to themselves. Members of my club had a table next to the Constitution club. Steve was at the Constitution club table, and he told me that since Carl brushed off both Mike and his (Steve’s) suggestion to leave Blane alone, Mike stood up and threatened to get security. With this, Carl came over to my club’s table, sat down, and brooded.

At the meeting a few weeks after this con, Carl showed up and talked in a funny, cartoon-type voice once in a while. Otherwise, he was a bit quiet. When we asked him about the voice, he shrugged his shoulders. I asked if he was going to get a job as a voice over in a cartoon or for a puppet show, but he said no. As for the October meeting, Carl didn’t use a funny voice, but he was more active in his bragging and goofing off. Again, the members phoned me later complaining about Carl. So I talked to George about it, and George did a background check on Carl. 

Meanwhile, I phoned Carl again, and I warned him if he kept up this attitude, we would have to ask him to leave the club or we would vote him out. 

This time Carl threatened to write to several people about us if we kicked him out of the club. I replied that I didn’t care before hanging up. 

At our Halloween party in a local fire hall, Carl was hanging around one girl who was a sister of one of our club members, Dave. This girl, Cindy, looked like she was trying to get away from him, and she finally went into the ladies room. I followed her in there and she confirmed that she felt edgy around Carl. Then I left the ladies room and saw Carl right outside. Thus, I told him to go circulate, and leave Cindy alone. He gave a sarcastic answer to me. So I then went over to Dave and told him the situation, and he went over to Carl. Carl, just as cocky as ever, told Dave off, and Dave offered to meet Carl outside. When Carl said that he would fight Dave inside, I told him if there was any fighting, I would call the police and press charges on the person who threw the first punch. 

With this, Carl huffed and puffed and stormed out of the fire hall. (But he didn’t blow anything down. HA! HA!) 

Sometime after the party, the officers and I were sure that Carl left the club as well. Then George showed us what he found out about Carl. We knew Carl was embellishing stuff about him, but were surprised to hear that in the military he was let out on a Section 8. 

Anyhow, we were very surprised when Carl attended the November meeting.

While there, he kept whining about everybody being jealous of him and conspiring to gang up on him. After Carl left the meeting, most of the members stayed behind and mentioned how stressful things have been around him. Therefore, I suggested that we take a vote to get him out of the club—and the vote was almost unanimous. 

When I phoned him the next day, he started pleading with me to let him stay in the club, and he blamed his rough family life, being bullied in school, and being in Vietnam to account for most of his attitude. I told him that I did warn him a few times before, and I’m sorry to hear about his troubles, but maybe he should seek professional help. Carl then pleaded again, and I mentioned that I knew about his Section 8. He claimed he was framed on that, and then, he became abusive about the club and me. When he threatened to write to different sources, I mentioned that if he felt this way about my club, he should be glad he would no longer be a member. Carl’s last words to me were “I won’t go quietly.” I hung up after this and mailed the refund cheque for his club dues to him. (Yes, he did cash the cheque.)

By this time, Steve was no longer living in NJ. (Steve moved elsewhere after Halloween.)I phoned him about what happened, and he kind of said something like “I told you so.”

Weeks later, I received a letter from Mike, the president of the Constitution club. In it he asked me about the situation with Carl and also included a copy of a photo-copied letter that Carl wrote. 

Just as I expected, Carl made it sound like we were jealous of him and ganged up on him to throw him out of the club. This was assuming that people reading Carl’s letter could understand his lack of spelling and grammar skills.

I wrote to Mike and gave him my version of what happened. A few days later, I heard from a few other people, and again, I wrote to them and gave my point of view. It was after this, that I wrote a letter and made several photocopies. 

At least once or twice a week, somebody sent me a letter asking about Carl’s letter—and I replied with my photo-copy letter. Later, I would receive several letters from some of those people expressing their sympathy and understanding about my situation. 

Even the day before I was to leave for NYC to go to the February 1979 ST con, I received another inquiring letter about Carl. So it was no surprise to anyone at the NYC ST con when Carl spotted me sitting in the back of the main ballroom for a moment, and he went over to say “Hi,” I turned away from him.

After he left, a fat girl came by, and said she was Pat. L, Carl’s fiance. She sat near me, and tried to scold me about throwing Carl out of my club. I showed her Carl’s letter and my letter. With that, she said she understood Carl better than other people understood him. I replied something like “good for you.” Then I said, “I don’t want to be rude, but I am heading closer to the front of the auditorium because Isaac Asimov is appearing next.” So she went her way, and I went mine. 

Later, I attended the charity event that was similar to the September ST con charity event. Again, our table was near the table for the Constitution club. A few minutes later, a girl I met earlier, Pat R., (not to be confused with Pat L.) asked George and me if she could sit at our table because Carl took her to lunch, and afterward, he acted liked he owned her. (Pat R. is a member of the Constitution club. She is as thin as Pat L. is fat.) Of course we said she was welcome to sit at our table. 

This event cost extra and they suggested that those attending should dress in smart casual to business attire. Thus, all of us were dressed for the occasion. (I wore a cocktail dress.) Then, Carl showed up in his Starfleet uniform, and when he spotted Pat R. at our table, he invited himself to sit next to her. (No, Pat L. wasn’t at the event.) That’s when George and I told him to take a hike. When he refused, George threatened to hit Carl with the nearest chair. I told George not to do that. Instead, I would go get security. When I got up, Carl stormed over to the Constitution table. For the next hour or so, Carl sat at the end of that table and brooded before he left. 

Right away, Steve came over and told me that this was what happened to Carl in reverse of the tables at the September ST con. Anyway, Carl didn’t bother us again at this con.            


Friday, October 4, 2024

Greenfield Hall

      Friday, October 4, 2024: The Indian King Tavern wasn’t the only historical place in Haddonfield (Camden County), New Jersey. Another place has been the headquarters of the Historical Society of Haddonfield: Greenfield Hall, 343 Kings Highway East (856-429-7375). While I have been to the Indian King Tavern many times, this was the first time I had ever visited Greenfield Hall. The founder of Haddonfield, Elizabeth Haddon Estaugh, gave this property to her cousin, John Gill, in 1728. Years later, another Gill family member, John Gill IV, had the current house build in 1841. From then until 1914, the house belonged to the Gill family. After 1914 to 1960, different owners lived in the house. Finally, in 1960, the Historical Society of Haddonfield made it their HQ. Nowadays, the Historical Society has offered tours of different rooms furnished with furniture & items from the 1700s and 1800s. The rooms upstairs usually displayed temporary exhibit themes, but when I was there it wasn’t opened. On our visit, a very enthusiastic guide showed us about a half dozen rooms while she told us the history of Haddonfield, the people who lived in this house, Haddonfield’s past industries, and so forth. Throughout the year, the Historical Society plays host to special events, especially near Christmas, and they offer tours of the town. Therefore, if you are ever in Haddonfield, NJ, in addition to the Indian King Tavern, Greenfield Hall is also worth a visit! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Barclay Farmstead Museum

      Wednesday, September 11, 2024: Back in the 1990s, I had visited the following place during a Christmas event: Barclay Farmstead Museum, 209 Barclay Lane, Cherry Hill (Camden County), New Jersey (856-795-6265). On Wednesdays and on first Sundays of the month, this 1816 farmhouse has been opened to the public for tours. During my last visit, I didn’t tour the house, but this time I did. Our very informative guide told us about the history of this house and about the families who lived there through the years from the 1816 Thorn Family to later private owners up into the 20th century. In 1974, the Township of Cherry Hill acquired this house and property. Anyway, on two floors, I noticed that the rooms, except for an upstairs bedroom, looked the way it might have looked in 1816. The Thorns were Quakers and the interiors reflected their simple tastes. As for that upstairs bedroom, that was the exception, another owner bought the house in the later—1800s, and he had the house furnished in Victorian-Gothic. Therefore, that one bedroom included most of the furniture and items he owned. In the rest of this house, many of the furniture and items were either from the 1810s, or the restorers displayed reproductions of that decade. Our guide also told us, via the furniture and items in the house, the origin of such terms as “sleep tight,” “toaster,” “gridiron,” and so forth. Overall, I learned a lot more about this house than I did during the last visit. Meanwhile, the special events held throughout the year, especially near Christmas, have been worth attending. In addition to this house, I glanced at other farm outbuildings: a springhouse, a barn, and a corn crib, as well as other sights on this 32-acre property: a kitchen garden, a community garden, some nature trails, a playground, a picnic area, etc. If you are in Cherry Hill, NJ, stop by and see one of the oldest places in this township opened to the public!  

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Camden County Farmers' Market

     Thursday, August 15, 2024: Last year, I visited the Burlington County (New Jersey) Farmers’ Market and I wrote about it in my blog (September 9, 2023). This year, the Camden County, NJ, Commission decided to start a farmers’ market: Camden County Farmers’ Market, 508 Lakeland Road, Blackwood (856-225-5576). While I didn’t expect it to be anywhere near as large as the farmers’ market in Burlington County, I also didn’t expect it to be a “work in progress” either. First, the county commission held the market on a weekday (Thursdays in July and August from about 3 PM to 7 PM), and second, they had it in the middle or late afternoon. This was usually the time of day when the worst weather happened. I missed going there twice because of weather issues: super-hot one week and excessive rain the next week! (Thus, I wondered whose idea it was to have the farmers’ market on that day and time.) When I arrived, I saw only one vendor, and he was with one of the sponsors of this market. Therefore, he told me that they sometimes have as many as a half dozen vendors, but on the date above, it felt more like a farmer’s market instead of a farmers’ market. He then informed me that other vendors who had been there sold produce, jarred foods, honey, and so forth. Anyway, this vendor sold some very fresh-looking and colorful produce, and I bought some of it. Nevertheless, if you happen to be in or near Blackwood, NJ, on a Thursday afternoon in July or August in decent weather, a stop here will be worthwhile.         

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Burlington County Farm Fair

      Thursday, July 18, 2024: After being a bit disappointed to learn that Camden County, New Jersey, wasn’t going to have a county fair for 2024, I decided to go to the Burlington County Farm Fair, 1960 Jacksonville-Jobstown Road, Columbus, NJ (609-784-8389). (It was located in the same place as the NJ Renaissance Faire back in May.) Anyway, back in 2012, I had been to the Warren County, NJ, Farmers’ Fair, and I was aware that their fair had been voted a few times as the best county fair in NJ. Therefore, I didn’t try comparing Burlington County’s Fair to it. Nevertheless, I did enjoy my few hours in Burlington County’s fair, and yes, it was smaller than Warren County’s Fair, but I would recommend seeing Burlington County’s fair—once. Of course, if you have been the kind of person who enjoyed nighttime entertainment at these kinds of fairs such as rodeos, musical events, amusement rides, and so forth, as well as seeing exhibits, you could easily have spent the whole day here. I mainly attended to see the many exhibits in different tents, and outside I saw a tractor parade and a wood carver carve decoy ducks. Inside the tents, I noticed many exhibits of animals: cows, goats, and sheep, as well as rabbits, alpacas, chickens, and a few other critters. Other tents displayed plants, produce, eggs, crafts—especially quilts, artworks, and other items too numerous to mention. I also observed that many of these exhibits of animals, plants, and other things had been the work of the local 4H Club and the Future Farmers of America. Meanwhile, the fair provided plenty of activities for children as well. Finally, to round out the fair, many vendors sold a plethora of merchandise, other vendors sold food, and I glanced at groups promoting their causes. If nothing else, I got entertained and educated at the same time!   

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Downtown Haddonfield

     Tuesday, June 25, 2024: It was un-Christmas day, and I decided to celebrate by spending a few hours in Downtown Haddonfield, Camden County, New Jersey. (June 25th is exactly six months after the previous Xmas and six months away from the next Xmas. I can’t stand those “Xmas in July” sales and TV specials. I guess some people can’t read a calendar.) Once I arrived in town, I noticed that scaffolding covered the Indian King Tavern, the most historic place in town. (I wrote about it in an earlier blog entry.) Nevertheless, the staff kept the building opened for tours. Because I have been there several times in the past, and it was lunchtime, I headed to the British Chip Shop, 146 Kings Highway East (856-364-0204). Opened six days a week, the public could experience a touch of the United Kingdom by eating British and some American foods while watching overseas sports on a big video screen, especially international football (what Americans call soccer). Different UK-themed pictures on the walls added to the atmosphere, and the service was efficient. Meanwhile, the food was very good, and the prices were moderate. This place could definitely dispel the myth of British food being lousy. Afterward, I walked around Haddonfield’s quaint-looking main street, Kings Highway, and browsed at the shops with its plethora of merchandise & food stores as well as other restaurants and a statue of Haddy the dinosaur. (In the 1800s, paleologists found many dinosaur bones nearby.) My favorite store was closed that day, but I’ve been to it many times before: the English Gardener Gift Shop, right across the street from the British Chip Shop. In the last several years, I have bought their imported British Xmas (plum) puddings and mincemeat pies during the holiday season. In addition to themed gifts and foods for certain holidays, this store sold a large amount of edible and non-edible items imported from the UK. For more shopping, there has been a Saturday morning farmers’ market in the warm weather, and Haddonfield plays host to special events throughout the year with its share of vendors!